

Put together a matrix with new mobility players in Africa - who is missing?

2-wheelers are a preferred choice for delivery πŸ“¦ and mobility 🏍

Ampersand is building electric motorbikes 🏍⚑️ and received $9 million recently https://bit.ly/31O39wo

Zembo received $ 3 million from Toyota and others to bring more electric motorcycles to the streets of Uganda πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬ https://bit.ly/3qzUyYO

Opibus secured $7.5 million to bring more electric vehicles to the local market, ranging from motorcycles to buses 🚌 https://bit.ly/3qxMbNa

Ecoboda, BasiGo or nopearide are local mobility services with electric vehicles. Max and SafeBoda are maybe the most know local mobility services, offering motorcycle based ride hailing and more

Well funded global players are in the market as well: Bolt and Uber are active for years - Didi joined recently

Really exciting 🀩 to see a lot of local activities based on pragmatism and sustainable thinking βš™οΈ